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How has your experience been? - Drawers of your mind

One experience to be unique have to remain in your memory for a long time and it will shake your senses, it will move all the five senses and stay in a drawer of your mind.

Let´s imagine...

Once a upon a time, you are with Sofia Butlerish, you made the Picnic Experience with her on top of the hill in Bom Jesus do Monte. Then you will return to your home, to your country, you will continue with your routine, your daily life and you will forget Portugal, you will forget Braga, you will forget Sofia Butlerish.

After a while, let´s say 10 years later or 20 years later, you smell something that transports you to Portugal, Braga and Sofia Butlerish again, and that time, that´s the click time.........

You will realize how amazing was your experience because you start to recognize the flavours, the smells, the sounds, the beauty that you saw 10 years or 20 years ago in Portugal, in Braga, in Sofia Butlerish.

No matter how many years later, no matter if it was one short time that you spend with me, in the country, in the city, in the picnic. What really matters is how intense, how much quality time and what the imprint that the experience create on you, right?

Let´s imagine now...

Once upon a time in 2020.

Imagine when this crises period is over...

We will return to our daily life, for ones slowly, for another ones faster, depends on you...

So after awhile, nobody will remember all of this happen, some people will say that this never happen before, that was a lie, a mistake, that nobody dies, or even that there was no virus, and so on, so on... ( as happens before with " Holocausto" ).

So one day, when we are trying street food at "Vietnam", and we taste something that remember us this time of crises.

Think now...

How would you like to remember this time? which imprint you would like to have in your drawer of your mind in 10 years, in 20 years...

Be aware

Be safe

Be at home

by Sofia Butlerish with love

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